Hebraic Studies with Rabbi Reuven Ben Avraham - The Name of our beloved Elohim

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Doctorates are as follows:

1. of Literature, 2. of Philosophy, 3. of Hebrew Literature/Letters.

4. of Hebrew Studies. 5. of Hebrew (Jewish) Studies.



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Please Note: on this page and site I will be showing the most blessed four letter *“Memorial Name” of our beloved

Creator in Ivrit  - Y-H-V-H, blessed  be His Sanctified Name, which we usually pronounce as “Adonai” or “HaShem” prior the destruction of the Second Temple. However at all times please treat the most blessed Name with great Sanctity, and when we even see the Holy Name, we should say “Blessed be His Sanctified Name.”

Throughout the site I will use a version based on the “Jewish Publication Society” (JPS) version of the Torah/Tanakh (Torah - Law/Nevi’im -Prophets/Ketuvim Writtings).

But Please Note: Some verse numbers may vary in some version’s of non Jewish Bibles.

*“This is My Name forever, and this is My Memorial to all generations.” Shemot - Exodus 3:15. (JPS version of the Torah).




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Please Note: On this page I will show the four letter blessed *“Memorial Name” of the Almighty in Ivrit -  - Y-H-V-H, which we usually pronounce as “Adonai” or “HaShem”. At all times treat the most blessed Name with sanctity and when we even see the Name, we should say “blessed be His Sanctified Name.”


*“This is My Name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.” Shemot - Exodus 3:15.

HaShem Just Means “The Name”

The Name of Elohim (G-d)

Please Note:

1…This page contains the most Holy Name of the Almighty (YAH).

2…This study has been written that we might know and understand the Name and the Attribute of the Almighty, blessed be He!

3…If you print this page, we ask that you treat the Sanctified Name with the appropriate respect.

Shemot - Exodus 3:15 very clearly states;

“Thus you shall say to the Children of Israel:  (Y-H-V-H) Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Avraham, the Elohim of Yitzchak, and the Elohim of Ya’akov, has sent me to you. This is My Name forever, and this is My Memorial to all generations’”.

(1) … The Significance of Names:

As we know, a name is not merely an arbitrary designation, a random combination of sounds. The name conveys the nature and essence of that which is named. It represents their history and reputation.

This is not as strange concept as it may seem at first. In English, we often refer to a person’s reputation as his “good name.” When a company is sold, one thing that may be sold is the company’s “good will.” That is, the purchaser will have the right to use the company’s name. The Hebrew concept of a name relates to that thought. An example of this usage occurs in Shemot (Exodus) 3:13-22 Moshe asks the Almighty, what His “name” is. Moshe did not ask, “What should I call you,” rather he was asking, “who are you, what are you like and what have you done.” This is clear from the Almighty’s response. The Almighty replies that He is eternal, that He is the Elohim of our ancestors, that He has seen our affliction and will redeem us from bondage.

Another example of this usage is the concepts of “Chillul Ha SHEM” and “Kiddush Ha SHEM.” An act that causes the us to come into disrespect, or a commandment to be disobeyed, which is referred to as “Chillul Ha-SHEM,” meaning, “Profanation of the Name.” Clearly, we are not talking about a harm done to a word; we are talking about harm to the reputation. Likewise, any deed that increases the respect accorded to Elohim, or the Children of Israel is referred to as “Kiddush Ha-SHEM,” meaning “Sanctification of The Name.”

Because a name represents the reputation of that which is named, a name should be treated with the same respect as its reputation. For this reason, Elohim’s Name, in all of their forms, are to be treated with enormous respect and reverence by all Israel, and those that have come into the faith of Israel.

(2) …  What does the word “Elohim” really Mean?

1… Is the Hebrew word “Elohim,” a name? Being the Name of our Creator? No, it’s not His name!

2… Then what does the word God and the blessed word Elohim mean? The fact is that the Hebrew word “Elohim” clearly tells us what and who our beloved Creator is, thus it is a word and it is not a name. The truth is that the word “Elohim” is an Attribute of  (Y-H-V-H) Elohim, Blessed be His Sanctified Name!

3… Thus “Elohim” is this the correct word to use as the Attribute, for the Almighty? And certainly not that evil pagan word ‘god’.

For those who really know the Tanakh will know that there were countless pagan gods around in ancient times, including one who was known as “Gad” also pronounced as “Gaad,” “Gawd” or “God.” We can read about this pagan god in Yeshayahu - Isaiah chapter 65, where Elohim warns His people Israel as follows;

But you are those who forsake , who forget My holy mountain, Who prepare a table for Gad (the Syrio-Babylonian god of fortune), and who furnish a drink offering for Meni (the god of destiny)” Yeshayahu - Isaiah 65:11.

Strangely enough the JPS version of the Tanakh translates it more simply.

“But ye that forsake , that forget My holy mountain, that prepare a table for Fortune (in Ivrit - Hebrew it is written as: Gad), and that offer mingled wine in full measure unto Destiny (again in Ivrit: Meni)” Yeshayahu - Isaiah 65:11 (JPS Tanakh version).

But it is very strange that the name “Gad” or “Fortune” is suddenly spelled with a capital ‘F’ and “Meni” or “Destiny” with a capital ‘D’.

The words of the prophet Yeshayahu - Isaiah demonstrate the widespread worship of this false deity whose name was “Gad,” which Judah had apparently embraced along with another false deity named “Meni.” You may have also noted that Elohim’s “holy mountain” received no capitals at all, which I found very strange indeed. Ask yourselves the question, why suddenly give these two pagan names/words Capitals?

The evil name of “Baal-gad” is also mentioned in Yahushua - Joshua 11:17 as well as in other books. This Syrian idol Gad was considered to be a very powerful deity who was supposed to control the planet Jupiter, which was a part of ancient Semitic worship and it was later embraced by many successive nations, including Greece, as well as in Rome, for in Roman mythology, Jupiter is the ruler of all the gods, the son of the god Saturn, whom he overthrew. Thus in Rome this “Gad” or “God” was a powerful god indeed and the word we know is in reality the name of this pagan so-called deity.

“Christendom” in Europe, through various scripture translators inadvertently expanded the phonetic vocalization of “Gad, to Gawd” and eventually “God” and it was they who substituted, “God,” instead of using “El” or “Elohim” throughout the “Tanakh”, as well as using the words “the LORD” in capitals, instead of using the four letter “Memorial Name -  (Y-H-V-H) the Tetragrammaton. The Ivrit (Hebrew) word “Elohim” literally means, “Mightiest of the Mighty”.

The question arises, why do we Jews as well as christians for that matter use this hideous pagan word “god”, for it is the name of a pagan god? In the Tanakh, the attribute of our Heavenly Father, blessed be He, is mostly “El” or “Elohim,” thus, we should ONLY use this word, being the attribute that distinguishes our Elohim, the Creator of the Heaven and the Earth from all those pagan gawd’s and gods of the world!

However, for some strange reason priests and rabbis of old who sadly had lost the plot, just like in the days of Yirmyahu - Jeremiah decided that “Gad” would be a name and indeed it was, but it was just not the name of our Elohim, the Almighty, and because of their error all of Judaism is using a pagan name along with every other faith, and that is evil. These evil ones feel that we should be showing respect for our Elohim, and thus they revere this pagan god thus they even have forced most of us write it as G-d, but I am sorry it still remains the name of a filthy pagan god!

It is said that no one knows the true pronunciation of Elohim’s blessed Name, and I AM SORRY THAT IS COMPLETLY UNTRUE, this rabbi knows it, for His Memorial Name, blessed be His Sanctified Name, was never meant to be difficult! Many of our Nevi’im were named with part of Elohim’s blessed Name, for example Yeshayahu - Isaiah translates as Yah is salvation”. Yirmyahu - Jeremiah translates as “My Uplift is  - Yah”, and the list just goes on! We know that “Yah” is the Name of Elohim as it is used countless times in the Tanakh. We know that it is the first part of the Sanctified Name, and that is very simple indeed, and it is glorious and so beautiful, making the name of  Elohim blessed be His Sanctified Name, so special and very beautiful!

(3) … The Name of Elohim

I have often heard people refer to the Judeo-Christian Creator (G-d) as being “The nameless G-d,” which is a contrast to the Almighty Elohim of Israel in relation to the ancient Teutonic/Celtic pagan gods. However, our Elohim does have a Name, but sadly it is never used, as if He does not have one. I find this odd, because we as Hebrews clearly recognize that Elohim has a Name. This Sanctified Name was given to Moshe in Shemot - Exodus 3:15, a Name, which was to be “remembered.”

“And Elohim said moreover unto Moshe: ‘Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel: , the Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Avraham, the Elohim of Yitzchak, and the Elohim of Ya’akov, hath sent me unto you; this is My Name forever - , and this is My memorial unto all generations” Shemot - Exodus 3:15.

The Ivrit word “Le’olam” - “Forever”

The rabbis have said that the Name had to be concealed on the basis that the word “forever,” which in Ivrit (Hebrew) is “le’olam” they say is written defective, for they claim that it is written without the letter “Vav” - . Does this argument stand up against the other writings in the Tanakh? No it certainly does not. The following verses are just a few examples, where the word “le’olam” does not have the letter “Vav,” between the letter ayin  and the lamed -  yet it clearly means “forever” - “eternal”.

“Remember Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yisroel, Thy servants, to whom Thou didst swear by thine own self, and saidst unto them: I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven, and all this land that I have spoken of will I give unto your seed, and they shall inherit it forever - (Heb: Le’olam - )” Shemot - Exodus 32:13 (JPS).

“For I lift My hand to heaven, and say, ‘As I live forever - (Heb: Le’olam - )’” Davarim - Deuteronomy 32:40 (JPS).

“He shall build a house for My Name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever (Heb: le’olam).” 2 Shmuel - 2 Samuel 7:13.

“But Thou, O  (Y-H-V-H), art on high for evermore - (Heb: Le’olam  )” Tehillim - Psalms 92:8

This is My Name forever” (Shemot - Exodus 3:15), means exactly what it says “FOREVER - Eternally!” How do we know this? Check the next statement by the Almighty, “this is My remembrance (Heb: zichri/zecher) from generation to generation.” As the Torah says that we are to “remember (the Name) … from generation to generation.”

Thus why did these rabbis so long ago decide to “conceal it Elohim’s blessed Name?” The sad truth is to “conceal” opposes “remembrance” and that is how the adversary’s works in people, who are moving away from the facts and truth of the Torah, and decide they can write their own laws, which they did!

Based on these rabbis arguing the point that they could not possibly say that “olam,” without the “Vav” does not mean “forever” - “eternal.” If they continue to hold to that concept, they will be in fact denying that our beloved - “Elohim of Avraham, the Elohim of Yitzchak, and the Elohim of Ya’akov” is (NOT) Le’olam -   - Eternal” (Shemot - Exodus 3:15 - JPS).

Due to the great error made by these rabbis so long ago, the most Sanctified Name has tragically no longer been used since before the Second Temple days, therefore they have broken Elohim’s, blessed be He, commandments, for did He not very clearly tell us;

“Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish from it, that ye may keep the commandments of   your Elohim which I command you” Davarim - Deuteronomy 4:2 - JPS.

“Ye shall observe to do therefore as   your Elohim hath commanded you; ye shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left. Ye shall walk in all the way which   your Elohim hath commanded you, that ye may live, and that it may be well with you, and that ye may prolong your days in the land which ye shall possess” Davarim - Deuteronomy 5:28-29 - JPS. (verses 32-33 in other non Jewish editions).

It could well be asked, due to men, be they priests or rabbis. having made massive changes to the most sacred word of Elohim, His Torah, and it did not go well with us, in addition we were scattered to the four corners of the earth due to them changing His Torah, and later by almost hiding the genuine Torah Mitzvah’s with thousands of man-made laws which have no value whatsoever, just the folly of overzealous men.

The most important of Elohim’s Names is the four-letter Name   represented by the Hebrew letters Yod - Heh - Vav - Heh (Y-H-V-H). It is often referred to as the ineffable Name, the unutterable Name, or the distinctive Name. Linguistically, it is related to the Hebrew root Heh-Yod-Heh (to be), and reflects the fact that Elohim’s existence is eternal.

In the Tanakh, this Name is used when discussing Elohim’s relation with human beings, and when emphasizing His qualities of loving-kindness and mercy. It is frequently shortened to “Yah” , or “Yahu”, etc, especially when used in combination with names or phrases, as in “Yahoshua”, being the Hebrew for “Joshua”. His name means. “YaH -  is my Salvation,” Eliyahu, Elijah, means “my Elohim is YaH - , and HalleluYah is “praise YaH - .”

Interestingly the Hebrew number 15, which in Hebrew is based on the Alphabet and Aleph = 1. Beth = 2, etc, but 15 is written officially as “Yud-Heh” (being 10 and 5 = 15), however ultra orthodox Jews write it as “Tet-Vav” (9 + 6 = 15), because Yud-Heh is part of the Holy Name of Elohim (Yah - ), blessed be His Sanctified Name.

The first title (attribute) used for the Almighty in the Torah is “Elohim.” In form, the word is a masculine plural of a word that looks feminine in the singular “Eloha.” The same word is used to refer to princes, judges, other gods, and powerful beings. This title is used in Scripture when emphasizing Elohim’s might, His creative power, and His attributes of justice, and rule. Variations on this attribute includes El, Eloha, Elochai (my Elohim) and Elohenu (our Elohim).

Elohim is also known as “El Shaddai.” This title is usually translated as “Elohim Almighty,” however, the derivation of the word “Shaddai” is not known. According to some views, it is derived from the root meaning “to heap benefits.” According a Hebrew study, it means, “The One who said ‘dai’” (“dai” meaning enough, or sufficient) and comes from the fact that when Elohim created the universe, it expanded until He said “Dai.” The word “Shaddai” is the one written on the Mezuzah Scroll (door post ornament with a parchment Scripture enclosed as per Davarim - Deuteronomy 11:20). Some note that “Shaddai” is an acronym of “Shomer Daltot Yisroel,” – “Guardian of the Doors of Israel.”

Another significant title of Elohim is “ Y-H-V-H Tzva’ot.” This Name and title is normally translated as “LORD of Hosts.” The word “Tzva’ot” means “host” in the sense of a military grouping or an organized array. This title refers to Elohim’s leadership and sovereignty. Interestingly, this title is rarely used in Scripture. It never appears in the Torah (the Five Books of Moshe). It appears primarily in the prophetic books of Yeshayahu - Isaiah, Yirmyahu - Jeremiah, Haggai, Zecharyah - Zechariah, and Malochi - Malachi, as well as many times in the Tehillim - Psalms.

Writing the Name of Elohim

Obviously, we should not casually write the Sanctified Name of Elohim. However, this practice did not come from the commandment not to take  Name in vain, as many suppose. This commandment refers solely to the taking of an oath, and is a prohibition against swearing by Elohim’s Name falsely, or using His blessed Name frivolously. Note: the word normally translated as “in vain” literally means “for falsehood”.

We should understand the priests and the rabbis of old never prohibited the writing or using the Name of  Elohim per se; it prohibits the erasing or defacing the Name of Elohim. However, observant Jews avoid writing any Name of Elohim casually because of the risk that the written Name might later be defaced, obliterated, or destroyed accidentally, or by one who does not know better.

The commandment not to erase or deface the name of Elohim comes from Davarim - Deuteronomy 12:3. In that passage, the people are commanded that when they enter the “Promised Land,” they must destroy all things related to the idolatrous religions of that region, and should utterly destroy the names of the local deities. Immediately afterwards, Israel is commanded not to do the same with the Name of , the Elohim of Israel. From this, the rabbis inferred that we are commanded not to destroy any holy thing, and not to erase or deface a Name of Elohim.

It is worth noting that this prohibition against erasing or defacing Names of Elohim applies only to Names that are written in some kind of permanent form, and recent rabbinical decisions have held that writing on a computer is not a permanent form, thus it is not a violation to type Elohim’s Name into a computer, and then backspace over it, or cut and paste it, or copy and delete files with Elohim’s Name in them. However, once you print the document out, it becomes a permanent form. This is why we avoid writing a Name of Elohim on web sites, but on this case it is being used on this site to teach fellow Jews that Elohim, blessed be He has a Name and we should know what it is! For other purposes it should not be used as there is a risk that someone else will print it out and deface it.

Thus please do not print out this precious page, even though the full Name of Elohim has not been disclosed as yet!

We normally avoid writing the Name in full, and Jews have tended to not write “God” instead we have been writing is as “G-d”, but as we have now learned this was really the name of an evil pagan god that was introduced into our beloved sacred language, which was a sinful to do, and by forcing us to even honour that filthy name was evil!! Our beloved Creator’s attribute is of course “Elohim” and we also use Elohenu in our prayers and Berachot (Blessings), etc!

Pronouncing the Name of Elohim

An Important Note: Lower in this section will cover and reveal the most Sacred Name of our Elohim, and please remember that it is the MOST Sanctified and blessed Name in all existence, thus we must treat His blessed Name with love and the respect it deserves!

There is nothing in the Torah prohibits a person from pronouncing the most Sanctified Name. Indeed, it is evident from scripture that Elohim’s Name was pronounced routinely until these rabbis of the past removed it, because they felt they had a good reason to do so. However, what they really did is hide and destroy the blessed and wonderful Name of our Elohim and people sadly no longer know who He really is, and if anyone asks, “who is your God?” we cannot tell them for His blessed Name was hidden by those rabbis who sinfully made a great error.

Yet many common Hebrew names contain “Yah” or “Yahu” both being a part of Elohim’s four-letter Name. The Name  was pronounced during the daily services in the Temple and during prayers and blessings. For only there should His most Sanctified Name be used!

Rabbis teaching for centuries confirm that there was no prohibition against pronouncing the Name in ancient times. In fact, the priests in ancient times recommended the use of Elohim’s Name as a routine when greeting a fellow Jew. However, by the time of that man-made book the “Talmud” came about, it became a custom to use substitute Names for Elohim and some Rabbis asserted that a person who pronounces  - Y-H-V-H according to its letters (instead of using a substitute) had no place in the World to Come, and should be put to death. Instead of pronouncing the four-letter Name, we Jews substituted the Name with “Adonai” (being “LORD”) or “Ha-SHEM” (which means “the Name”). Thus if we are asked, “Who is your God?” And what will be our reply? “It is the LORD, or we call Him the Name. They will think that there is something dramatically wrong with us, for we do not even know who our precious Elohim is!

With the Temple destroyed in 69 AD, and considering the prohibition of pronouncing the blessed Name outside the Temple, pronunciation the Name fell into disuse. Scholars did pass down knowledge of the correct pronunciation of  - Y-H-V-H for many generations, but eventually due to those mystic Kabbalists the correct pronunciation was lost thanks to the rabbis. They say that we do not know what vowels were used. Some religious scholars suggest that the Name was pronounced “Yahweh,” but others do not find this pronunciation particularly persuasive.

Some people render the four-letter Name as “Jehovah,” however this pronunciation is completely erroneous. The word “Jehovah” comes from the fact that our ancient texts used to put the vowels of the word “Adonai” under the consonants of the Memorial Name,  to remind Israel not to pronounce Y-H-V-H as written. A sixteenth century “German Christian Scribe,” while transliterating the “Christian Bible” into Latin for the Pope, wrote the Name out as it appeared in his texts, with the consonants of Y-H-V-H and the vowels of Adonai, and came up with the erroneous word JeHoVaH, and sadly, due to the total lack of Hebrew understanding by these christians that horrid name stuck in large pars of the christian world.

The “Memorial Name -  (Y-H-V-H) the Tetragrammaton, is shown further below. But only continue if you wish to do so, and remember when we read or say His blessed Name, always say, blessed be His Sanctified Name, etc. Never use it for any other reason than for sacred reasons!

How to correctly and respectfully use the Name:

 - YHVH is a verbal form of the root “hvh,” which is an older variant of the root “hava” which means, “to be, shall be, to exist.” As this is in the future tense, it therefore means “He that causes to be, He brings into existence.”

If we choose the vowels of “hava” - “to be” and transpose them on YaH-VH, you will find that the Sanctified Name of Elohim actually becomes “YaH’VaH (being the Eastern European Ashkenazi Hebrew pronunciation). Although, the letter “V” may also be pronounced as a soft W” thus the precious Name may also be said as “YaH’WaH (the Middle Eastern Sephardic Hebrew pronunciation).

Thus the pronunciation of the Elohim’s Name can either be “YaHVaH” or “YaHWaH”, blessed be His most Sanctified Name! And I know that both will be pleasing to our Elohim, blessed be He!

Related Scriptures 

“But unto you that fear My Name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in its wings; and ye shall go forth, and gambol as calves of the stall” Malochi - Malachi 4:2 - JPS.

“Because he hath set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high, because he hath known My Name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him, and bring him to honour. With long life will I satisfy him, and make him to behold My salvation” Tehillim - Psalms 91:14-16 - JPS.

“Therefore thus saith , who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob: Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax pale; When he seeth his children, the work of My hands, in the midst of him, that they sanctify My name; yea, they shall sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall stand in awe of the Elohim of Israel” Yeshayahu - Isaiah 29:22-23 - JPS.

“… think to cause My people to forget My Name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers forgot My Name for Baal” Yeshayahu - Isaiah 52:6 - JPS.

“In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of Dovid - David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof, and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old; That they may possess the remnant of Edom, and all the nations, upon whom My Name is called, saith  that doeth this. Behold, the days come, saith , that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt. And I will turn the captivity of My people Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them. And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be plucked up out of their land which I have given them, saith  thy Elohim” Amnos - Amos) 9:11-15 - JPS.

They shall call on My Name, and I will answer them; I will say: 'It is My people', and they shall say: ‘YaH’VaH) is my Elohim” Zecharyah - Zechariah 13:9 - JPS.

“‘My Name will be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to My Name, because My Name will be great among the nations,’ says  Almighty.” Malochi - Malachi 1:11

My Name is great among the nations; and in every place offerings are presented unto My Name, even pure oblations; for My Name is great among the nations, saith  of hosts” Malochi - Malachi 1:11 -JPS.

Therefore My people shall know My Name; therefore they shall know in that day that I, even He that spoke, behold, here I am” Yeshayahu - Isaiah 52:6 - JPS.

I know that this study has contained a great deal, but it is a very important subject. I am not telling you that you should commence using the name on a regular basis, but it is beautiful when used correctly in prayers and during the various blessings, and in teaching our faith, etc, for it honours our beloved Elohim! Be honest, “Adonai”, or “HaShem” really does not speak of our Elohim, and I know that He would prefer you to do as He has commanded, remember and use His Sanctified Name, but correctly only in prayer, etc! Let those who have fallen away from the Torah do what they do, but sadly they are really lost in what they consider the far more valuable “Talmud”. I mean even our children go to what, the “Talmud - Torah”, and I have always asked the question, why is that huge work completely written by man come first, and it is given a higher place in Judaism that even the Torah, which we know came to our Fathers directly from Elohim, blessed be He!

“Thus you shall say to the Children of Israel:  (Y-H-V-H) Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Avraham, the Elohim of Yitzchak, and the Elohim of Ya’akov, has sent me to you. This is My Name forever (Le’Olam), and this is My Memorial to all generations”.

Wishing you and your Mishpachah or Mesbucha (family) Shalom and may the Peace of  Elohenu, blessed be His Sanctified Name, fill you, your family and your home!

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Please Note: On this page I will show the four letter blessed *“Memorial Name” of the Almighty in Ivrit -  - Y-H-V-H, which we usually pronounce as “Adonai” or “HaShem”. At all times treat the most blessed Name with sanctity and when we even see the Name, we should say “blessed be His Sanctified Name.”


*This is My Name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.” Shemot - Exodus 3:15.




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